Friday, May 28, 2010

Challenge Mission : London

Get ready for new challenge mission !
Lets pack to London..

Yes, London is open now, so, don't wait, add some crew, and feel what is to be in London, hehe...
It's little bit different between London and Paris, I'll give u screenshot below :
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As you can see, there's something different in the bottom of the picture, it says :

Each chapter you will unlock two additional slots for your London Crew. Any new person joining your mafia will also be added to your crew (up to 7 total slots). You will be given a one-time bonus of British Passports for each crew member that joins an unlocked slot.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Use Your Godfather Wisely

Now Zynga has change the weapon part needed to build a weapon, and as we can see in the new Chop Shop / Weapon Depot page, you can buy "time" with Godfather Points. As you can see in screenshot below.

Well, I'm interested to share about this calculation for using your GP point wisely.

Maybe you already know that we better use our GP point to buy skill point, but now we can get skill point + weapon or car.

Here's the calculation
4 skill point + nothing           = 12 GP (In crazy sale)
5/6 skill point + weapon/car = 12 GP + WP/CP

Well, it must use huge number of CP/WP if you have thousand GP, but it just my advice if you have so many of WP. Now you can get 5 Skill Point + your dream weapon (Railgun).
Friday, May 21, 2010

Multiple Login For Chrome

Okay, yesterday I'd posted "Multiple Login For Firefox", and now it's the time for Chrome user, here you go..
1. Firstly you need to clear all of your cookies and browsing content by choosing "Clear Browsing Data" in the Option menu, or simply just click "Ctrl+Shift+Del", we do this because we need to multiply this profile.

2. Open the folder where you install Chrome, usually it's automatic installed at:
For Windows Vista & Windows 7 - C:\Users\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome
For Windows XP - C:\Documents and Settings\
Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome

But before that, make sure you tick "Show All Files" in folder option.

3. After that, open "User Data" folder, and you will see "Default" folder in it. Make a copy of that folder, and paste it in the "User Data" folder itself, and rename it with the profile name you want (in picture I use "MW99").
For Windows 7 and Vista, I think there's no problem, but in XP I think you should paste it on another folder, rename it, then cut them to the "User Data" folder.

4. Okay, now we do the same thing to the Chrome shortcut. Right mouse click on your Chrome shortcut (desktop), then "Create Shortcut". A new Chrome shortcut will appear there. Right mouse click again on the new Chrome shortcut, then click "Properties".
A new window will pop up, change the target to this :
For Windows Vista & Windows 7: C:\Users\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe –user-data-dir="\User Data\MW99"
For Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe –user-data-dir="\User Data\MW99"

Or simply, just add {space}–user-data-dir="\User Data\MW99" to the end of target box. Don't write the {space} just push the space button :D

So now I have 2 profile of Chrome here, each shortcut has different cookies.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Multiple Login For Firefox

Hey Mafioso, I'm gonna start my first post in my blog :)

Are you playing Mafia Wars with more than 1 account ? I know it's wrong and against MW & Facebook ToS (Term of Use), but I know some of you must have more than one account.
Did you ever feel confused with all your account ? Hmm, I used to use CookieSwap to move from my one account to another account, but I think it waste my time. So, I decided to find some other information about "multiple login" via one browser, and I've found it, now it's time to share to all of you. Sharing is great !

It's work on Chrome and Firefox, I'd never use Opera, Safari, Flock, and the other, so I don't know if it work there too...
Here we go...
For Firefox :
1. Go to your dekstop, find your Firefox shortcut, and right click it, properties.
You will see a new window pop up, add -profilemanager -no-remote in the end of target box, as you see in the picture, and then click Ok. :

2. Double click your "modified" Firefox shortcut, then you will notice something different :

Thats the Firefox profile manager. Just click Create Profile to make a new profile.

3. Type the name you want to use in this profile, example on the picture I use "yourdesiredname" :

4. After that click finish and you'll see your profile had been added to the profile manager :

5. Just to make you more comfortable with your browser, so you don't need to see that profile manager appear again when you click your Firefox shortcut, we make some changes in the target box again, change the -profilemanager with -p yourdesiredname

If you have many account, you can do this again, just right click on your Firefox shortcut, then "Create Shortcut" and do this again to your new firefox shortcut.

Okay, that's it for now, for Chrome user it little hard to make new profile, so maybe I'll post it later :)
Friday, May 14, 2010

Mafia Wars Bot

Mafia Wars Bots


I'm still investigating this thing, so don't click it for now.

About Me

Hi everybody, I'm Exocide, I made this blog to provide all mafioso wherever u are with some infos, news even bugs and glitches for you. This site made at 04 May 2010, but 'till now I'm still working on this site to make it's better and bigger. I'm struggling on it !
View my complete profile
